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Fawn - Integral Color (1#)

Price: $76.50
Item Number: F-37

Fawn - Integral Color Dosage Rate = 1 pound

PACKAGING: 25 pound disintegrating bag.

MATCRETE® Integral Color is a pre-measured admixture for integrally coloring ready mixed concrete during batching. Our pigments are lime-proof, pure synthetic mineral oxides which meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM C979 and "Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures" by the Portland Cement Association. MATCRETE Integral Color is suitable for all concrete flat work installations, interior floors and exterior hardscapes, as well as,  precast, tilt-up and cast in place applications.

Typical dosage rates range from 1/4 pound  to 4 pounds of MATCRETE Integral Color per sack (94 pounds of cement). Cement content includes cement, fly ash, silica fume and other cementitious materials but not sand or aggregate. Dosage Equation: Multiply the dosage rate by the sack content of your mix design. Multiply that number by the amount of yards you are coloring for your grand total. Example: Dosage Rate - 1.5 lbs. / Mix Design - 6.5 sacks of cement per yard / Total Yards - 20 (1.5 x 6.5 x 20 = 195 lbs.)